Askews are committed to ensuring that our services are available to as many people as possible, working to the accessibility guidelines issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
We are constantly enhancing our services based on the feedback we receive from our users and welcome comments on any accessibility issues that you may experience whilst using any of our web sites.
Should you wish to contact us regarding the accessibility of our site please email
For further information on the accessibility of the VLeBooks platform please see our VLeBooks accessibility statement
The information on this page offers advice and guidance which we feel will help to ensure you get the most out of your time on our site.
Font Size
Most modern web browsers offer the ability to customise settings such as font size. To find out more about the accessibility options available in your browser, select your browser from the following list:
Text Alternatives
We provide text alternative descriptions for any images we use our site.
External Resources
The BBC provide a detailed resource My web My Way. Their aim is enable computer users to make the most out of the internet whatever their ability or disability